Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tongue Thrust Surgery


I am pleased to announce the resumption of training with the "cousins" from Friuli, in order to give everyone, including myself, the chance to train with "strong ones".

In collaboration with our instructor Marco Fabris, we created a calendar that runs from this week until last May, that a few days before the "Rome Jiu Jitsu Challenge."

The appointments will be Tuesday to Friday in Udine and Trieste, according to the following timetable:

Friday 16 / 4, 7 / 5 and 21 / 5 will be Marco in Trieste, together with some of its athletes to lead the lesson and monitor our work

Tuesday 20 / 4, 11 / 5 and 25 / 5 instead we're going to Udine, to work and struggle with the students of Mark.

Also remember that on May 1, in Friuli, there will be a stage with Maestro Federico Tisi. I do not think it is necessary to remember that this is an important event, and so it is really important to participate.

The next day, thanks to the efforts of Mark, will be held on a date reserved for instructors and assistants, during which Frederick will give the opportunity for collaborators to enrich their knowledge in teaching jiu dl Brazilian jitsu, in his ten years of experience. Do not miss!

Everything to progress, to fill gaps and, most importantly, to ensure high quality in the practice of jiu jitsu.

So prepare yourself physically and mentally to work hard and seriously!

soon on the mat.

Matshita Bd-mlt Uj232as


's over the educational experience of jiu jitsu ...

What can I say, I did not expect an answer in any way a success and so great. I did not expect to experience certain emotions, to get such great satisfaction and, above all, certainly did not expect to achieve so many objectives (some planned, others have thought of yourself) in this initiative.

But first things first.

The program that I proposed consisted of very few things: the mountains and the rolling over, raised in the base and fall backward, and once all the students had learned these techniques, it would have gone to the fights.

early stage I aprofittato for "extra dispense Goals", in respect of the rules, the teacher and the work you are doing, always keep an eye on the people around you, resulting in the development of spatial perception, attention and position sense, care for the safety partner training, basic parameter of the whole initiative; maximum collaboration between partners, changes freqenti with couples and giving great importance to the initial greeting and embrace the final.

But the stage absolutely the most intense and full of meaning was that of the struggle.

As already mentioned, showed a lot of information about each participant, but more shocking was the natural emergence of techniques and strategies of their jiu jitsu, despite the fact that ... no one has taught!

fact, fights consisted of two phases: first round crouch on the balls of the feet, hands open and objective to bring down the adversary, by tapping with your palms, and very rewarding those who fell back in the right way, the second round was the fight itself, where the goal was to put back on the ground and mount the partner, while the latter or avoid riding through the raised or, in case of submission, run the bridge.

Regarding the "how to", apart from simple rules (do not grab clothes, fingers, hair and neck with your fingers), I just told them to remove the supports and make up ground. For all the rest were left free to express themselves.

Well, it turns out everything: character, attitude, problem solving, talent, determination, shyness, well ... pure expression, dedicated to education, respect and cooperation of the maximum.

fact, while two students were fighting, others were forbidden to distraction by engaging in the activities of "tatami edge" rebuild the mattresses that were cut off, to support the fighter who had left the square, preventing him from falling on the wood, and cheering both "dueling" at the end of the fight.

Both verbally, but also setting an example consistent with the behavior and positive, I reduced draticamente criticism, comments, "teased" addressed to the less gifted, or just physically fit, achieving the double objective of create more cohesion among boys and to reduce the embarrassment and anxieties of the most reluctant students (for physical reasons, or character), even by express so egregious even children considered "hard" or historically less likely to become involved in joint initiatives.

things to add would be very many, but I will stop here not to exaggerate an already too long post.

The thing that struck me most, however, was the reaction of students regaletti made from them, pictures together, even requests for autographs! The last day, the time to say goodbye, I got very much heat, and many kids were really sad, and I can not deny that I was sorry finish this process with these students-teachers.

fact, during this experience I learned a lot, but I've also been given in abundance, and I thank again all those involved.

this enthusiasm has been added to the satisfaction of the Bureau of teachers and parents, who are already contacting me for pre-registrations for September and to repeat this operation next year.

So what can I say ...

Thank you, thank you very warmly to these great little fighters!

At the next "caper" together!