Sunday, February 21, 2010

Boss Ml-2 - Metal Core Schemat


Thanks to the interest and commitment our instructor Marco Fabris, Saturday, February 13 was held in Udine an internship with the two samples Yuri Simoes and Ari Farias.

Veterans from past commitments to the European level, have been guests in the capital of Friuli to dispense their knowledge, especially with regard to the competitive jiu jitsu.

Kindness, availability and willingness to share their sweat together, effectiveness and great technical mastery, demonstrating (but there was no need) of what it means to "roll over" on the ground with a sample.

Unfortunately, due to a strong influence and high fever, I was able to receive only part of the event, but I have collected material, together with Udinese our cousins, enough for a lot 'of time.

To get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe curriculum and the ability of the two young stars, I refer you to the team blog Udine ( ).

soon on the mat and, as always, thanks to Mark and his boys.


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