Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blueprints For A Mini Sand Rail


They started the new courses of the team "Bora Black" at the Sports Hall Chiarbola in Trieste.
Days and times are as follows: Course
Children (5-10 years): Tuesdays and Thursdays from 16.30 to 17.30;
Course Boys (11 - 17 years): Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17.30 to 19.00;
Course Adults ( over 18 years): Tuesdays and Thursdays from 20.00 to 21.30.
promote them, we need to spread this wonderful art and touch people as possible.
I'm waiting on the mat. Walter

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Erase Calls From Uverse

alternative routes.

look at the sky that does not bode well and beginning to walk.
I could take your car and be home in less than 10 minutes but I prefer to walk and let the rain surprise me drowning my thoughts.
I was never concerned appear affable and smiling. I always preferred
tired eyes to those perfectly made-up without the slightest smear.
I've always loved big, rough hands and those that do not tell of hard work and hardships endured.

Perfection scares me. The beauty
embarrasses me.

He started to rain.
I lift the hood of my sweatshirt and keep walking.
I built a wall so thick as to deny even quell'accondiscendenza to myself and those opportunities that present even to strangers.
locked and I do not know if it was not even a normal key or a padlock to six thousand throws.
drops of watery skies could tell of love consumed hurriedly, anchored deeply in the hearts of loneliness in turmoil and, again, laughter and friendly and brotherly hugs.
Crossing a stranger who smiles at me.
Perhaps this is the reason to live.
Maybe life is nothing but chills and asphalt.
scratch away at home but I do not know if that's the goal I want to achieve. Maybe it's time

follow your instincts.
Maybe it's time to take alternative routes.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Complementary Angles Real Life Example

START SEASON 2010 - 2011

Big news at home Bora Black!
First, the more important this year, the Brazilian jiu jitsu in Trieste also involve young people. In fact since the end of September will start two new courses, one aimed at children (5-10 years) and one aimed at young people (11-17) and, unbelievable, everything takes place at the Sports Hall Chiarbola!
So to a great start in a prestigious, and for that I thank the friends who made this possible.
In addition, other important news, this year we will be present in various public schools of Trieste for the contribution to teaching and education-motor-sport that already last season has paid off handsomely. Last but not least
Communication: From October we will also begin to train in "no gi" in order to broaden and enrich our luggage, all of course with the support of our representative and the Master Marco Fabris Federico Tisi.
Contact me for more information.
soon on the (new) mat.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Is There Penicillin In Norfloxacin


"The problem is not knowing who is to blame.
The problem is that you will always attack something about you to everyone who loses.
You should not have.
You should keep something aside for yourself instead of letting her go away with rest. "

Dance Dance Dance
Murakami Haruki

On my nightstand There are four books started and never finished a cup of tea a half left in the sink and a cashmere sweater thrown on the couch, which reminds me that every other day, the city began in the fall.
There are a couple of CDs on the shelf of books to spark off a kitchen and do not know how many months, on the windowsill.
The phone vibrates, but I do not want to talk to anyone.
Especially with a jerk who has not stored a no.
's crazy how I manage to be so hard on those who are experiencing the same thing that I try to swallow me and at the same time so damn fragile.
The pain of others is always so intangible that I can never give the right weight.
raining like tears glide on my lips mute the flavor of mint and chocolate.
throw adjectives at random, hoping to find the right one but I like marbles and running, sooner or later, all will fall to the ground.
And then I will not have even the words to use for shopping.
have much heart, too much in want, and then in the head.
And yet I can never contain all of my confusion.
I feel like a Boer filled with poison.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Buy Dragon Ballbed Sheets


"Beauty is a breath of reality to the wind."
Carlos Ruiz Zafón [Marina].

September is to take the train without luggage, finding a good place to look out the window and decide what is the impulse to stop living.
September has the taste of hot wind that ruffles memories.
September is the ground and covered, desire and tenacity, biscuits and hot coffee in large bowl.
September has your scent.
September is all that I could give you.
September is until you run out of breath to speak.
September is back to the future and believe in your abilities.
September is sleeping with a blanket that he had placed a lifetime ago.
September is a finished puzzle, made of interlocking, smelling hugs and love of newspapers.
September, I read somewhere, is a good time to start over.