Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pursuit 1 Wrestling Shoes


This year there was the big sport event organized by Maestro Andrea Baggio, Milan Jiu Jitsu Challenge.
They fought more than 300 athletes, and among these, of course, our cousins \u200b\u200bin Udine, led by our teacher Marco Fabris.
I tell you only that our friend Ale Roncali was great, Friulian and other athletes have excelled as usual.
The guide can be found here:

our congratulations to all of them, if truly deserve.

Delete Gpsphone Saves


This year we are present at the Institute "Weiss T." to bring BJJ among the students of elementary and secondary schools.
The work is easier, because everyone already practiced last year, so we took the opportunity to add some technique, namely the overthrow of the guard and Bahia.
Great enthusiasm and desire to fight are also characterized this meeting, and if you succeed, as I hope to organize a meeting between the various schools, we have already identified a number of "talents" to form any team.
We also have experienced the struggle between classes of different ages (eg. First and middle school), with the dual aim of increasing the courage of the smallest on the one hand, and to raise awareness large to take care of the youngest on the other.
The result was nothing short entusisamante: through the struggles we've created a space highly aggregating (much better than leaving kids alone in the playground during recess), during which the boys have "met" not through the normal channels communication, but through body contact.
So a more concrete, more "animal" that the brain, which confirmed once again that the BJJ is a very powerful physiological and socialization, character development and healthy debate.
now we started, and driven by these results, it will be difficult to stop! We have a message
too strong and important to bring young people, and thanks to the instrument "BJJ" we are confident of the positive contribution we can give.
Therefore, schools Trieste, get ready ...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pimple On A New Tattoo

Alcohol and dopamine.

You and alcohol blood in my veins, I ice and dopamine.
How could never last?

I do not want anything from you.
Vivo memories and this is enough for me.

fact if you really have to tell you again I would like to make love to you with my eyes closed without words, without thoughts, without clothes, without pause, without interruption. I would again feel that you're there, you have inside, we're together, that you hold me at night as you turn on my side of the bed. I would like it to last a long night but I wake up from only three not having to face the morning, then do not have to explain nothing to you, your eyes, my heart.

When we met I never said your name to my friends because I was afraid that you would become real and all, at that point, it would inevitably be complicated.
Because I know how these things when people know that.
Everything falls apart.
And because everything is broken in my life forever, I decided that the last thing I needed was another handful of pieces to put under the carpet for not seeing my inability affective, once again, not I could manage.

But I miss having you.
I miss seeing life for yourself and your words.
When we lived together something that you can not wait to put in writing. I played with myself to guess if your world view at that time was the same that I had myself. I did find myself in your lines, I felt at ease among us passionate and bloody adjectives and verbs between mild and pungent.

's all over, I know.
And as usual, when it comes to putting an end, are the first to start writing but I like to think that every now and then, somehow, nothing has been lost and even though time has blurred the feelings, some smile can be born again because of me.

Dyslexia Statistics Canada 2010


If you live alone, Sunday morning is one of those moments where you feel even more lonely. And do not talk about what you take in the evening with the lights of the city outside of soft music on the stereo and a cup of black tea on the table beside the sofa.

I'm talking about the loneliness that hurts because you realize that in addition to not allow anyone to share things with you, do not even let someone invades your space. I speak of the solitude that will remind you that you have no one to prepare lunch and no one to wake you rolling on your side of the bed.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How To Make Puerto Rican Ice Cream

No, never. (The answer). Removals

thought of being able to defend myself and to be quite strong to not feel more fear than it is, that when you salt chess, you're going to be taken in by slapping a man who weighs 30 pounds more than you or when you're home alone and someone looking for you and you stay them quietly and not to breathe because you do not want to enter.

Today they asked me if I'm getting married.

Solitude restore me more hugs.
When I take cognition that I exposed too retreated so fast that not even remember how I made the return journey.
I stop to talk, smile and go out and, sooner or later, I may stop eating.
only communicates writing which is the only way not to let loneliness digs too deep. Just
eyes become a little 'more complicated, I climb a fucking fear of not being able to support that lose their sight.

I realized I was not ready.
(never been).
(and the unexpected appearance to redeem).

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How Do You Cut Curves In Slate


" Sometimes I'm awake at night thinking about all the stupid things I do during the day. If I live up to eighty years and ten nonsense day will be about two hundred and ninety thousand stupid things. When you add up all the crap that comes up, it is better to round numbers. "

Charlie Brown

Sooner or later someone will tell me why I always have this knot that never melts.
Why not get enough at all.
Because neither my goals, or the beatings that I took and even your eyes that look at my struggle to manage to make me stay with my heart in the shade for a while '.
live with the fear of not doing enough and dream with the terror that is the only thing I have left.
I think of you sometimes. A
when we made love when I stroked his head and making me feel safe.
I again argued with my mother, you know? And I again started the diet.
I get the impression that things go hand in hand but I would not swear.
I started an English course and although it is very good at translating recipes and profanity, I think the last thing I would do with a blond American boy smiling and talk to them. Change
home and the first board I made, along with the books that I still have to read, well I hid my dreams. I'm worried that they are not lost in the effort to be able to demonstrate to others, once again, that I can get me alone.
Together with sweaters instead there is all that heat I find that whenever I open the door and there will be no one to cook for me. But I leave here
anger, a handful of memories that hurt and women who love me but that have ceased to live millions of years ago.
And now and then, I decided to live on tiptoe and not to avoid making noise, but to be high enough to have their heads closer to the clouds.