Monday, February 28, 2011

Can I Install Slate To Drywall


My hands shook as I tried to put the keys in the ignition.
forecast rain but had not given around me was as if everything were to be dissolved: the sky, my eyes, the glass of the car, the pavement, my hands. I did all those steps pianissimo, as if he wanted arrive, as if she did not know that I would not have found them. I began to breathe normally when I saw two strong arms I know that I would have supported.

When I entered the room my father came to me and shook my strong face with both hands and with those for a moment, he said my body and my heart. Her tears are mixed with mine but was the only melting point then each took up their arms and their pain and came out of that room. My mother did not deign to glance, merely telling me to get up from the ground and tell me that in the next room there were chairs on purpose to be used.
I smile, for a moment. Why exactly at that moment, I realized the woman's cold, cynical and wild it is. I have roots of this evil and intolerance in the world that sometimes I feel that urge to grow. I try not to give water and fertile soil but fighting against themselves and their genetics is not easy.

only three messages I sent, I turned off the phone and I locked all the doors I had. I have removed the people, I can make it fake.
They had to break through my reticence coming to lurk outside the door.
And god only knows what I desperately need all the hugs I received.

But despite all of the night clordemetildiazepam arrives and is the only friend I have.
It is the only remedy that I know all this loneliness, this whole chasm of feelings and all this emptiness that you left a crater seem to be unbridgeable.


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