Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How Many Brothers Did Vegeta Have


Last Sunday I was at Livorno for a stage-oriented martial arts and self defense, thanks to the efforts of my brother Steven, an instructor at some Italian military units, we had as guests some members of the Regiment " S. Marco, who work with him.
accompanied by Daniel, a former "S. Marco" and currently in force with another special unit of the Carabinieri, these guys have been training with us, especially after "the stage, sharing the mat and group dinners.
the picturesque world of martial arts, full of would-be combatants (ie nerds and complex, worthy of the care of a few willing psychotherapist), it's always nice to meet people who are open minded, without contamination of federation or economic policy, who like to work hard and seriously, and have no problems to touch and be touched.
if these people are trained soldiers, with operational experience in thickness (often despite his young age), but willing to work calmly and without space for the exaltation, then the experience of Sunday takes on a more high.
And if these guys are ready to share and give to a curious child with the coat of arms that have the flag on the sleeve (gesture in front of my eyes), who wear the uniform and proud of what it represents, then work with them becomes an honor and a pleasure.
Among many reasons to feel embarrassed by our nationality, these soldiers are one of the reasons why I feel proud to be Italian.
Thanks guys!


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