Sunday, April 20, 2008

Gays In Public Toilet

hello goodbye, hello indeed!

Hello, hello, hello, it's time to say goodbye. They say it is also important at the close of things. Well, this too must end our experience, quellidelsecondo , and not only because it now falls participation precipitosorribilmente and in a bit 'book our guests not welcome him to eat that make us go to non-existent blog who knows what with shady intentions ... but we are smarter and delete their comments ha ha ha.

We decided to leave to Mina (not to be confused with a teacher EOI) the honor of the last song, but the words touch us all :

- Children in What is our served, that is, your, blog?

- What we've learned and what is not?

- How would you like to continue another year, if there will be another year of Italian in between your life and your commitments?

- Who would know a person between the writers and writers of the post?

- Do you have any proposals to make all participants in quellidelsecondo? Look at that next year we will be in THIRD!

Well, hello hello hello, goodbye, but first, let's talk a little while! We await your contributions at the closing ceremony of the blog as the second inter- 2007-2008 !


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