Monday, December 27, 2010

Germanadult Film Stars


Inaugurating a new area of \u200b\u200bthe blog, that "the angle of the outburst."
will be posted here news, thoughts, episodes, video and whatever else makes us literally turn the balls.

start with the category that makes us angry par excellence: the geek excited ...


... to all those who practiced martial arts and one thousand are masters of each;
... those who become instructors in a weekend, or even by mail;
... to those who "do not respond to shooting superaddestrato because my body reacts on its own, and I could make you very ill involuntarily";
... those who "can not do races because they are trained to hit only the vital points, banned in competitions;
... philosophers, that behind the philosophy of balanced and non-violent (but ready to react if provoked, as war machines, they say) and hide the cowardice fear of confrontation;
... teachers, sensei, sifu, and SUPERMASTER guru who, with such excuses are not going to know and / or increase other martial arts, but judging them, or worse, without denigrating know, too high in their ego to be able to wear a white belt;
... to those who have developed mental powers such that they can read the mind of the opponent, or to perceive its bellicose intentions, worthy of the best jedi knight;
... to those instructors that during the course beat their pupils, treating them as dummies, taking advantage of respect for the teacher that they themselves have inculcated as a tool to inhibit the possible reactions, and so they can use their status to appear effective, but that all Indeed, they are just clowns complex on the poor students vent their frustrations and insecurities;
... to those who see their students only of notes, sources of income squeezed, and not trusting people who have turned to them.

A slice of humanity above all, from my heart ...

... FUCK!


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