Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How To Retie A Moccasin Lace


"He who walks with a smile fixed on him often do not realize that wearing a mask is as easy to fool yourself."
Waiting [Kaos]

The space between of us is becoming a chasm not seen you for a month but every time I see you again mirror. I see you in me by the hair and the roses bend a bit 'of the eyes downward. It scares me resemble and it scares me to remind me that I could be like you, that is why I dye your hair, I dress differently, make me as if I had to delete the similarities. Maybe, sooner or later, I I forget where I come from. I have marks on the body when the food made up for the beating, when his hands with his fingers crooked taught me that the skin is less fragile than back.

undress me is hard.
watch me hard work.
Let me look at me hard work.

I would like to tell you of my scars, how badly they are closed, how I had to heal on its own could not heal the wounds that never appeared.
More I sank with the needle, the more I suffered, the more I curled up in my pain.
More lifts, more soon forgot the pain experienced.
My biggest flaw has always been to think of being able to fix what broke, it was my heart or a piece of glass.

I could not remember more of your shoulders, how you kept the glass, how it always looks like a lot to my father. You have the same hands, the same way as ports, the same way to drink.
Luckily it started raining again and I have an excuse to put his nose to glass and stay there forever.
I need solitude.
And I need to forget death.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Merk in Milan! Regional Finals

Tomorrow Marco will take part in 1st Trofeo Città di Milano, an international event in bathtub fifth meters with the participation of some of the best Italian athletes, including the national Youth and absolute.
Mark will be present in the 200 race dolphin!
Anyone who wants to follow his race, can do so on Rai Sport Sat. Start the event at 16.45.

A big good luck from us all! Forza Capitano!

Braces Get Rid Of Overbite

's time to order.

you who want a normal man?
Are you ready with that leg?
Are you ready to cold water and anomalous wave that pulls you down the costume?
Are you ready to possibly catch a hedgehog in a foot?

I go to bed a bit more 'before the evening because I have a lot of things to dream.
I think of you on my couch with his hands resting on the back and as he spoke, the only thing I could think about was when I'd finally touched. I closed my eyes for a second and suddenly my hair were mixed with your hands, my hands with your neck, your mouth with my cheeks and your heart with my instinct.
We are messed up life, me and you, you know? And the best part is that I do not know how to avoid the wave.

What little is left my family is nothing but a woman of 90 years who can finish the week puzzles in one day. One of those women who still speaks with television and insult politicians on the news. Not walking for 20 years and an equal number does not leave the house but unable to recognize the world and people's hearts far better than it has ever been able to do myself. We ate gnocchi with butter and both wept remembering his sister.
That day I ended up in tears and wine do not think I'll be the same after this February 2011.
seven days a week of endless pain.
seven days a week of huge void.
He gave me a blanket handmade by her, by my aunt and my grandmother Emma: the three women in my life.
But there is that I'm not like Linus.
There is that beautiful things do not carry with me because I have the power to the crease with my lust.
prefer to hold off what I care, I think the best part where they can be to continue to flourish.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Messages For Kitchen Tea Cards


Friday 11/03 15:00 - Race start at 16:00
50SL - 100RN - 50DO - 200FA - 200MX - 400SL - 4x100SL

Heating Saturday, 12/03 15:00 - Race start at 16:00
100DO - 200RN - 100FA - 400MX - 200SL - 4x200SL

Sunday, 23/03 14:30 pm - Race start at 15:30
50FA - 200DO - 50RN - 100SL - 800SL - 100MX - 1500SL - 4x100MX

Monday, March 7, 2011

Quebec Driver's Licence Template

Riccione 2011

Here, at last , the names of qualified ITALIAN CHAMPIONSHIPS YOUTH WINTER RICCIONE scheduled March 25 to 30 at the Swimming Stadium in Riccione.

FEDERICO Andreetta DO 100 200 - 200 400 MX - 1500 SL
LAURA BERT 100 200 RN 200 400 800 SL - 200 DO
ALICE BRIOGLIO 50100200 RN - SL 100 - 200 400 MX
ALESSIA WOLVES 50,100,200 SL - 50100200 RN RN 200

Pending any repechage will be formalized in next few days.

Here is a link to the rankings http://online.federnuoto.it/graduatorie/ammissione.php

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Onde Encontrar Shiny Stone No Soul Silver

Results up!

The cross-country skiers flying today Sciorba! Laura
Viky and excel in the race of the 5000 Junior '95 and '96 respectively 1h.02 1h.03 '12 '26''and''. Gina her first experience in this type of race he won the silver medal in 3000, 39'40''.
All three have met the time limit for the Italian Championship of the Fund on 18 and April 19 in Riccione, but expects the formalization of the rankings. Brave!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I Get Really Wet Before My Period

Force runners! Regional Finals

A special good luck to the "crazy" runners who will participate in tomorrow's regional background. By Laura
race and won in Geneva in 5000mt and 3000mt.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Another success for the Friuli cousins!
Roncali Alessandro and Roberto Monetti, led by the great Marco Fabris, won gold at the prestigious event Italian ADCC (Abu Dhabi Combat Club).
Congratulations to the team the Black Bora!

How Many Brothers Did Vegeta Have


Last Sunday I was at Livorno for a stage-oriented martial arts and self defense, thanks to the efforts of my brother Steven, an instructor at some Italian military units, we had as guests some members of the Regiment " S. Marco, who work with him.
accompanied by Daniel, a former "S. Marco" and currently in force with another special unit of the Carabinieri, these guys have been training with us, especially after "the stage, sharing the mat and group dinners.
the picturesque world of martial arts, full of would-be combatants (ie nerds and complex, worthy of the care of a few willing psychotherapist), it's always nice to meet people who are open minded, without contamination of federation or economic policy, who like to work hard and seriously, and have no problems to touch and be touched.
if these people are trained soldiers, with operational experience in thickness (often despite his young age), but willing to work calmly and without space for the exaltation, then the experience of Sunday takes on a more high.
And if these guys are ready to share and give to a curious child with the coat of arms that have the flag on the sleeve (gesture in front of my eyes), who wear the uniform and proud of what it represents, then work with them becomes an honor and a pleasure.
Among many reasons to feel embarrassed by our nationality, these soldiers are one of the reasons why I feel proud to be Italian.
Thanks guys!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Can I Install Slate To Drywall


My hands shook as I tried to put the keys in the ignition.
forecast rain but had not given around me was as if everything were to be dissolved: the sky, my eyes, the glass of the car, the pavement, my hands. I did all those steps pianissimo, as if he wanted arrive, as if she did not know that I would not have found them. I began to breathe normally when I saw two strong arms I know that I would have supported.

When I entered the room my father came to me and shook my strong face with both hands and with those for a moment, he said my body and my heart. Her tears are mixed with mine but was the only melting point then each took up their arms and their pain and came out of that room. My mother did not deign to glance, merely telling me to get up from the ground and tell me that in the next room there were chairs on purpose to be used.
I smile, for a moment. Why exactly at that moment, I realized the woman's cold, cynical and wild it is. I have roots of this evil and intolerance in the world that sometimes I feel that urge to grow. I try not to give water and fertile soil but fighting against themselves and their genetics is not easy.

only three messages I sent, I turned off the phone and I locked all the doors I had. I have removed the people, I can make it fake.
They had to break through my reticence coming to lurk outside the door.
And god only knows what I desperately need all the hugs I received.

But despite all of the night clordemetildiazepam arrives and is the only friend I have.
It is the only remedy that I know all this loneliness, this whole chasm of feelings and all this emptiness that you left a crater seem to be unbridgeable.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Trempette Homard Et Crabe

Friday 25/02 14:30 pm - Race start at 15:30
50SL - 100RN - 50DO - 200FA - 200MX - 400SL

Heating Saturday, 26/02 14:30 pm - Race start at 15:30
100DO - 200RN - 100FA - 400MX - 200SL

Sunday, 27/02
Heating 14:00 - Race start at 15:00
50FA - 200DO - 50RN - 100SL - 800SL - 100MX - 1500SL

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I Forgot The Nimber Of My Lock

Congratulations Philip! Greetings

Today is the birthday of Philip! Many greetings from all of us!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

World's Biggest Online Skate Park Game

B! Veronica

A world of wishes to our coach Barbara called "BI "!!!!!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Xpress Train 2 Streaming


Today is the birthday of Veronica, Many wishes from the whole team!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Cape Cod Bracelet

asking questions is the first step to squeeze into a casino.

your hands are like tissue paper and I keep in my trying not to knock the needles that penetrate. I wonder if I can loop to take you home and I can not answer except with a smile. I have put cocoa butter on their lips because they do not drink and eat more and I repeat that you must have patience, then we come home but we both know that you can not.
You know it and I know it and, between the tears, we say it in silence for days.

"Stop crying Alessandra" my mother told me in an imperious tone when I go to his office.
He sits me on his shoulders and, while continuing to work and I'm left them at the door with my bag of cloth, hair were stuck to the tears and shaking hands in a pocket handkerchief, I realized suddenly came from where all that anger that I have. Where does quell'incapacità to love and how I always manage to find the men who hurt me. Always the wrong ones, those who can not always give me a love healthy, balanced, made of hugs and kisses front.

I speak to you, yes, even you who recently you came into my life. What you read in my eyes more than what I have said. And I wish you were there, you were asleep on the side of the bed which I leave intact pending. I would like to hold me, I would kiss on the neck and evening wine and words. But you can not, can not be timed because of feelings I do not know what to do, I tell myself. We could do it in silence without saying anything, we could pretend that nothing is happening. Without words, only with the eyes, heart, hands, breathe. But what good is if you do not dig a crater in even greater loneliness that already we carry on back, each in its own way? It would be worth, I wonder?

And the more I think about it, the more I would stop asking.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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Force Viareggio! Merk

A big good luck to Alice, Alessia, Gaia, Alexander and Fred who will attend the XXXIV Meeting of the Carnival in Viareggio.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Breaking In Dansco Clogs


The brazilian jiu jitsu is a constantly moving in the region, especially in Udine, site of the Burning Team led by the teacher Marco Fabris.
Witness the events organized in the capital of Friuli, who obtain the dual purpose of promoting this martial art on the one hand, and to increase the knowledge and the technical level of the other.
As always strive to give our contribution and to be present.
In fact we enjoyed both the triangular garetto Udine - Padova - Trieste, is the Stage with the champion Yuri Simoes. As always
technique, sweat, commitment and fun have characterized these initiatives, along with a lot of participation on and off the mat.
We thank Mark for organizing these events, and even friends and cousins \u200b\u200bFriuli Padowar team for sharing these experiences with us.
See you at the next event.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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"Love, when you say what have forgotten, and even though I'll say when I will tell you, do not believe me."
Pablo Neruda

L ' Last night I was around the center and the lights of an evening that was slow to arrive and an air spring that he knew more than a cold day in February, I thought what I'd give to have you with me. I'm not one to be "forever." Are the most ever by one. But when you meet someone that makes you think without horizons, then you're fucked. And there are only eyes that you would not want to travel without ever. Then he happened to see a car like yours at a traffic light and stop for a moment I crashed my heart. The guy who was inside looked at me and smiled. I would have just wanted to cry. I miss you, dick. I miss your eyes that made me avert my. I miss feeling in my belly and I miss your hands while you drive or open a bottle of wine. I miss to put the mascara with the loud music and think about when I fell down the stairs and I'd seen. Eh, nothing. Then there is that my name has never been so good as when you pronounced it.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Cana Part Of Your Hymen Break?

Happy Birthday!

Today is the birthday of our captain! Many wishes from the whole team for its 22 years!:)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bionicle Amphibax Building Instructions

2 ° Trofeo Città di Albenga

Weekend coming ... and coming events ..
Trophy Competition program and hours of Albenga :

afternoon Saturday, 12/01: 13:40 pm
heating heating Males Females

14:20 pm 15:00 pm Race start 200RN 100DO-100FA-break-30 minutes-200SL-200MX

morning Sunday, 13/02: 8:10 pm

heating ALL !!!!!!
9.30 am Race start-200FA 200DO-50SL-50FA-50DO-50RN

Sunday, 2.13 pm:

14 Hours 15 Hours Start heating
Gare 100RN-400MX-100SL-400SL

On www.nuotolioguria. it find the time table.

Gold Fish Has Eaten A Stone


announces that tomorrow for a "probable but not certain" night game of water polo training may vary Time, in this case will be sent via SMS. Keep an eye on your mobile!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Energizer E91 Smoke Alarm


And I pretend to have thousands of things to do to not think about it.
work, home, dinner with friends.
a martini, then two, maybe three so I'm sure the reality suddenly become softer and acute pain that I feel will not find footholds to make noise.

I remember when I went down to the kitchen and prepared the chamomile in the evening.
I never understood why it was so good. My mother said it was sugar, but I think we put affection. Love. The protection that you had for me.

I always cold as a baby.
I fist fights, screaming and All those adjectives that still echo in my head at night.
And I felt alone, then.
not that now I understood more.
I always feel alone, but I learned that a heater, heat softens the skin chills.
not those of the heart, the ones I do not know to stop them.

And I know you're still there in that bed, with your tears, your pain and distorted memories. I thought I would forever remain close because you are my childhood, my imagination, my stories with princesses and castles built every day. And I've never even reported on the ground but fancied me. My dreams are all gone from there, on that bed with the blanket and colored mint candies hidden in the drawer.

when I do not know how I will not be there.
Maybe you pretend that there is still why I always do so with the things that I have not but I miss him terribly.

And while I stay here, you know? And I hold her hand.
That's the only thing I can do well beyond dreaming.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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2 ° test

Here is the schedule of the 2nd regional test this week to Loanhead:

races start on Friday 28 January 16.00
50SL - 100RN - 50DO - 200FA - 200MX - 400SL

races beginning Saturday, January 29 16:00
100DO - 200RN - 100FA - 400MX - 200SL

Sunday, January 30 races beginning at 15:30
50FA - 200DO - 50RN - 100SL - 800SL - 100MX - 1500SL

Friday, January 21, 2011

How Much Does It Cost To Bowl At Amf

Times Aragno

Here is the schedule of races of the Trofeo Aragno:
January 22 morning
09,00 100 09,16 100 HOURS
ORE 09,34 ASF
RA ORE 09,49 100 09,59 100 ASM
ORE ORE ORE 10.14 10.34
RM 100 FA 100 FA 100 FA ASF
AT 10.50 11.04 AT 200 DS
AT 11.25 11.43 AT 200 DS 200 DS RM
AT 11.55 12.01 AT 200
JM DS 200 DS 200 DS ASF
AT 12.04 12.07 AT 400 MX
12 HOURS , 25400 MX ASM
ORE 12.40-term shift
January 22 afternoon
AT 15.20 SL 50 SL 50 RF
HOURS 15.28 RM 15.37 50 HOURS
AT 15.44 SL 50 SL JM
AT 15.51 15.55 AT 50 SL 50 SL
AT 15.59 16.19 AT 100 DS 100 DS
AT 16.39 16.57 AT 100 DS 100 DS
HOURS 17,13 200 MX 200 MX ASF
AT 17.23 17.32 AT 200 SL
AT 17.56 18.26 AT 200 SL 200 SL RM
AT 18.50 19.05 AT 200 SL 200 SL
ORE 19.20 19.30 200 SL ASM
term shift
January 23 morning
09,00 09,30
RF 100 SL 100 SL 100 SL RM
10.08 HOURS AT 10 38 100 SL ASM
AT 10.53 11.08 AT 400 SL 400 SL
HOURS 11.23 200 11.38 200 HOURS
HOURS 11.58 200 12.07 200 JF
HOURS 12.10 200 12.16 200 RA AT
HOURS 12.22 200 12.31 200 HOURS
HOURS 12.40 200 12.46 200 JF
HOURS 12.55 200 13.01 200 FA ASF
ORE 13.05-term shift

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Green Mucus See The Doctor

Yle Welcome back!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Shiny Gold Version S S Anne Hellp


"And if there is a heaven, he is there, and he will sleep next to me so I can sleep. "
DH Lawrence

Please embraced sleep tonight, then tomorrow. Love me and fuck me. Annusami Lick and as if the world were to end tomorrow. Do not walk out that door until we get sick of us. Stripped from the people you know, noise, cold and disappointments. Stop thinking about what would be fair and let yourself be guided by anything that looks like a dormant instinct.

We see the same things but look so different. You dream to go back to work, find a house clean, neat, I know you want the scent of a dinner prepared at the same time and by the same person. Do you want the certainty of a movie to watch on the sofa and two arms that hold you every night.
Christ, the whole evening.
You want me as a safety, as you have a cotton sweater to life in spring evenings.
But I do not want there to be no cotton sweater. At most
a wool sweater, the kind of winter you can not do without. Big ones, smelling of soap, you could you would not want to sleep in and take off even in the morning to go to work.
I saw you shrink and disappear as there had never been.
But I think it's my problem. I am afraid to work hard on this thing distorted memories that will vanish after two days.

Someone donate me a dream that I never lived. An idea of \u200b\u200blove, passion and a stomach ache from misconduct. I would like to enjoy feelings of waiting, this waiting can not do that and continue walking from room to room hoping that the weather turns at the speed of light.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Watched Me Neice Masterbate

Friday 21 Monday 17

training is Friday 21/01 at 14.30 having moved wake up early for those who will compete Saturday morning!

NB: the movements of the workouts from now on will be included only on the side in the "news flash" to make the best graphics of the blog, and always give us a look!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bump On Pubic Area White Ring

workout Monday 17/01 at 14:30 due to two water polo games!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sore Gums Sore Tongue Sore Throat

When a group of people have similar affinity, normally attract and join together ...
If these people share a passion as ours, namely the fight in its broadest conception, then the group becomes like a flock becomes a team. They share
fatigue, pain, sweat and joy, mutually supportive and are ready to join together to help a single element.
Entering this team at this point, it becomes increasingly difficult, the selection is always the hardest, but once accepted you are part of the group.
This happens in nature, and of course also happens in our herd.
In this group I feel like family, and I see that they all feel free to express themselves without the need to wear masks for the occasion or who knows what role to play socially required.
I am proud of my team, I'm proud of my guys, and thanks to them, I know that even in the hardest moments there is a place where you can find the energy to start again with more force:
on the mat, one of my wrestlers.

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Trophy Aragno

The next week will attend the 5th Trophy National Swimming GS Aragno. Here is the schedule

MORNING Saturday, 22/01: Heating 8-8.50 hours 9 am Race start
100RN - 100FA-200DO - 400MX
AFTERNOON: 14:20 to 15:10 hours Heating Home competitions 15:20 hours
50SL - 100DO - 200MX - 200SL

Sunday, 23/01 MORNING: Heating 8-8.50 hours 9 am Race start
100SL - 200RN - 200FA - 400SL
AFTERNOON: FINAL Heating Race start at 15:30 hours 14:30 to 15:15
100FA - 100RN - 100DO - 100SL

Monday, January 10, 2011

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'll call you tonight.

She said no, not tonight, and he continued to repeat a lot of times the loop in his head but he had glued her lips to his own and had continued relentlessly to do what he had to.
But his mind was elsewhere and I keep wondering why you threw away even with people who loved her.
people who did not care anything about what was his favorite book, what he thought of the evening before falling asleep or as she crossed her arms in a gesture of defiance when he was in the crowd.
was coming, he felt the breath against his neck was getting heavier.
Now he had grabbed her hair and pushed each felt a stab to the head from the neck down to the end of the back.
wanted it to end soon. He wanted to wash
away his smell off.

"Take your hands from his pockets and are made up," he told her.
"But Mom, only one, please," she whined her.
"You're a fat girl, stop eating," the mother had confirmed the ruling.
Silent tears had begun to fall on her cheeks and as he tried to swallow yet another humiliation, had decided that nobody would ever come so far to allow it to suffer.

It was covered, closed the zipper of his jeans, kissed her on the cheek and had slurred speech a "call you tonight."
soon as the door closed behind her she started in a hurry to fill the bag: a book, a sweater, a handful of memories in print.
would not stay for anything in the world.
There was falling back because his need to be loved sometimes fought so hard that pierced the armor but not this time someone had managed to tie it, would never find, no contact, no crack.
He knew, for saves (view) rsi the only way he knew he was back again.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

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Interview Success!

After this Christmas break here is the first interview of 2011! Victory!

Name: Victoria
Name: Bergamini
Nickname: Vicky - Food - Bergy
Your race: 200 Dolphin Training
Preferred Bhooooo! I have no idea ... workouts short and easy! ;)
matter by a vote + top: Mathematics
Matter + with low voting: Latino: S
Dog or cat? Gattoooo! but I also love dogs! Link
that represents you? The important thing is not to be high, but to live up to! :)
Best memory of swimming so far: The Italians in Rome Summer 2010
Worst memory of swimming so far: The Italians of San Marino
A fund to your advantage: mmmmm ... I do not know, maybe be determined! :) A
your fault: nothing to get nervous and move easily hands! : S
Merendina Kinder Choice: the kinder egg! : D
Web site that you visit most: Facebook!
Hogan or Prada? They are good all dueeee! ;)
target for the swimming of this 2011: unable to get back to the Italians
dream vacation? I do not know there are many who would like to make: of course go to New York, London, I'd even go to Australia and see the Barrier Reef! : D
Who? With Friends! ;)
If I'd a smile:: D If I were a song you'd
: Only Girl in the world - Rihanna:) If I
half would mean a ship ...
If I was a month of the year you would be: do not know ... maybe August because you're at rest!
Hello Boys! I hope that our group could stay united and not be divided unnecessarily:)
I love you! <3 :D

Thursday, January 6, 2011

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paroxetine. Step

I would throw up all these feelings completely messed up to get you out of my sight but to think of it, from my view, are you out as soon as I put my jeans and went home without even a little doubt that we must stay. And while I was in the car, I thought of what you do not know anything about me: I have flaws, insecurities and shortcomings but who really wants is good my way when I have a doubt, take my hand and give me a kiss on cheek to remind me that I can do it simply. But you're not worth neither explanation nor a few lines of my sheets. Are you the kind of man who has a thousand faces and personalities, too bad that ever happened to me a march. Then come back to where you came from and not worry about closing the door that there's more people who should enter.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How Soon Does A Pregnancy Mask Show Up


NICOLE, Ylenia, GIULIA LAURA, Alessi, VERONICA, ALICE, SARA, VICTORIA, Melanie, Hilary, Miriam, GAIA, Martin, SILVIA, Geneva, headed by BEFANONA BARBARA CLEAR!